Saturday 5 January 2019

Pips Pet Post #3 - Georgie the Rescue Tokay Gecko

Today is about Georgie (George Tokay) my first Tokay Gecko. I picked him up for free from Gumtree from previous owners who said he "wasn't friendly", not surprising as Tokays are known for their feisty temperament. He was barely recognisable as a Tokay, tiny and always dark (fired down) with MBD (metabolic bone disease) which is caused from improper housing conditions and not providing the correct food/vitamins/supplements. I was actually worried he wouldn't make it for a while, but through intensive care and hand (tong) feeding him as much as he would take every day, he eventually gained weight, and got strong enough to properly climb and even eventually hunt on his own. He is now in a large 90cm high vivarium with 2 female companions I got for him about 2 months ago now, as Tokays are a rarity for geckos in that they do well in captivity small social groups, of course providing there is plenty of space for the animals and correct husbandry.

I adore Tokay gecko colouring, when fired up they are a bright mint with orange or red spots. Or at least a wildtype is, but I wont go into morphs right now. My 2 females are more grey/green and burgundy than Georgie however who really is a stunner. I also love their eyes, their pupils are a really interesting shape and its fun to watch them change size depending on the light level, and they also work independently of each other, so the left can have a light shining on it and be closed, while the right is more open on the darker side. 

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