Thursday 7 February 2019

Minor Project: Submission

Minor Project: Lunar Ball Python - Modelling #2

 Once again it came to modelling the body, I counted the amount of grid squares in length the head was, and then extruded the amount of sections I worked out from my orthographs to get the right length, then went back and adjusted points to give the girth and taper. 

Minor Project: Lunar Ball Python - Modelling #1

Minor Project: Boots Hognose Snake - Modelling #2

 When it came to modelling the body, I simply counted the amount of grid squares in length the head was, and then extruded the amount of sections I worked out from my orthographs to get the right length, then went back and adjusted points to make it more natural and get the tapering right.

Minor Project: Boots Hognose Snake - Modelling #1

Minor Project: Basil Blue Tongue Skink - Modelling #3

Minor Project: Basil Blue Tongue Skink - Modelling #2

Minor Project: Environment Modelling #12 - Further Asset Texturing

Minor Project: Environment Modelling #11 - Glass Vivarium Texturing

Texturing all glass panels around the room, as well as all the black plastic elements of the glass vivariums. 

Minor Project: Environment Modelling #10 - Further Vivarium Details

Adding in the glass door plastic runners, as well as the plastic vents to the wooden vivariums. 

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Minor: Animatic

Minor Project: Character Orthographs - Boots Western Hognose Snake

For the orthographs for my two snakes that will be featured, instead of drawing the entire snake, I decided to focus just on the head, so I can get the details of that first. Then to find and be able to model the snake length, I create a block the same length as the head, and duplicated it down along a reference image of the animal, so I can model the head, count how many grid boxes it is in maya, then create the body length from that. It also allows me to easily see where along the body the width of the snake changes.

Minor Project: Character Orthographs - Lunar Ball Python

I used the same technique here for finding the length and width and where it changes for Lunar as I did for Boots.